About Us

DologiriTM is on a mission to provide premium quality Himalayan Salt Products We believe that maintaining a healthy lifestyle should not be challenging, but rather easy by making simple changes to your daily routine. After discovering the raging health benefits of a simple commodity such as “salt” in its natural pure form. Common table salt found in almost any grocery store has been altered, modified, and stripped of its natural elements, making it harmful to any human. We were drawn to it even more after learning about all of the physical healing powers that it’s capable of.

Who we are?

DologiriTM under the umbrella of SAAT GLOBAL USA LLC aims to provide .After discovering the raging health benefits of a simple commodity such as “salt” in its natural pure form. Common table salt found in almost any grocery store has been altered, modified, and stripped of its natural elements, making it harmful to any human. We were drawn to it even more after learning about all of the physical healing powers that it’s capable of.

What we do?


We extract rock salt lumps from the foothills of Himalayas. Our high tech manufacturing equipment’s are capable of manufacturing complete range of Salt products.  


We can offer OEM services to our wholesale customers. We have variety of options for branding and packaging. In packaging, we have ready to shelf and bulk packaging options.

DoligiriTM is USA based company and capable to supply its retail products throughout the US and can provide in bulk in all over the world.

Plan a visit

We welcome our clients with warm heart and good taste coffee. You can visit us in business hours. But before visit please let us know and get appointment.